Tips for Students Looking for a House in 2017
Looking to rent a house for the next academic year can be daunting. With everyone grouping off and signing contracts, you may be panicking about who you’re going to end up living with and where.
Here at Let’s Rent, we have over forty years’ experience and a wide range of properties in great locations close to the university. We’ve rounded up some things to consider when searching for your perfect student pad.
Work out who you want to live with
It’s important to be absolutely sure of the people you are about to move in with. They may be your best friend now, but in a few months they may have rubbed you up the wrong way, or just moved on to a new friendship group.
Of course, it’s impossible to know exactly where your relationships will be in the near future, but just be aware that circumstances may change. If they are already getting under your skin now, it won’t get any better.
Discover what you want from the house
This may mean sitting down with your group and discussing what each of you wants and expects from the house. If you’re planning on hitting the books next year to secure that first class degree, you may not want to move in with your pal who is getting his mum to bring his drum kit up for him. Unless of course you love a good beat to study to.
Also remember that you may feel a lot differently about your goals in a few months’ time. First year is all about socialising, meeting new people and gaining new experiences, but during your final years, your priorities may change.
Consider how many people you can realistically live with
Some people thrive in frenetic households and love the bustle and hustle of a bigger home. Perhaps they had a large family growing up and love the company?
However, consider how much you like being around others on a daily basis. If you prefer to keep yourself to yourself, consider a smaller group of housemates.
Move in close to university
With many Let’s Rent house shares located on the Avenues, there’s no need for that long, tiring walk to uni. This way, you’ll have no excuse to skip those early 9am lectures!
The great thing about Newland Avenue and Princes Avenue is that they both have everything you could possibly need as a student. The central hub of Hull student life, they’re packed with restaurants, bars, shops, dentists and doctors, a post office and even nightclubs. It’s all on your doorstep!
Enjoy it
Most importantly, have fun when looking for a new house. It’s an exciting process and moving in with some of your best friends will be quite an adventure. These are the years that you will never forget, and you could end up making some lifelong friends.