Getting the Home Ready for Summer
It’s easy to love summer. A time of change when birds sing from their nests, animals begin foraging in droves, and flowers add a splash of colour to everything. Of course, we shouldn’t forget that beautiful sunshine, re-emerging fully after its hibernation to warm all and sundry once again. But this is a time of change inside as well as outside, with much to be done around the home. How many tasks can you tick off our summertime to-do list?
A final spring clean
It’s almost as old as spring itself and a lot more boring, but a few hours spent dusting, wiping, mopping, vacuuming and tidying will pay great returns over the next few months as you enjoy your clean house and show it off to friends. If you’re already had a spring clean, have another one for good measure. Now is also a good time to get hold of those essentials that you’ll need at barbecues and summer parties, such as paper plates, charcoal and cleaning materials.
Out with the old and in with the new
With the changing of the seasons and the rising of the temperature, now is a good time to change not just your wardrobe, but also any decor that’s old and tatty or just a little too wintery for the warmer months. There are always loads of fresh styles on show and plenty of new decorative pieces on offer to fill the gaps. Remember to give your old stuff to friends or charity, and store up the winter bits instead of just throwing it all out.
Open up your home
Not literally, we have to think of security here. Still, the warm days of late spring and the breezy winds they bring provide a great opportunity to air out your home. Find the window keys that have been hidden away for the winter, draw back the curtains, throw open the windows and let some fresh air into your abode. It’ll feel like a new house and you’ll feel like a new person.
Take on the garden
The grass is starting to edge up again, the hedges need cutting back and weeds have probably started to win the ongoing battle, so it’s time to put on the gloves, locate the sheers and get that garden looking its best. For some this is a joy, for others it’s a chore, but if you choose the right day for it and get the whole house involved, it can be an enjoyable task either way.
Be happy and make your home a welcoming one
We know that this is a big task, but it’s an essential one. Have a garden party, join a local sports team, or sit in the warm sun and think about how good life is. Be like those birds and animals emerging from their nests and hidey-holes into the sunlight to twitter, chatter and generally enjoy the season. Remember, happiness is contagious, so bringing a smile into your house can be just as good for those you share it with.